i have a 1990 jeep chreokee auto tranny with a blown moter, body is in
good shape new inspection. and a 1987 cherokee 5 speed good moter
good tranny body kinda ruff. i hate to sale thes things but they have to be
outta my yard by 11-03-07! even if they go to the junk yard says the
montgomery co. sheriff dep. in the town of bburg you are only allowed to
have one junk car sittin around!!
so ill sale them hole or part them out just
tryin to make some of my money i put in them back. best offer takes
jeeps 4 sale
Moderator: Club Officers
jeeps 4 sale
00 Cummins tow bitch
00 2500 360 gaser 5" 37 boogers build under way
00 2500 360 gaser 5" 37 boogers build under way
re:jeeps for sale
olivers automotive in mt tabor might would buy them from you if it gets to the junk yard stage and no tsold yet
I don't know about your county but I was told that in Giles co putting a tarp over a car makes it dissapear as far as the law is concerned.