Wrenching this afternoon into tonight???

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Wrenching this afternoon into tonight???

Post by Fizboy »

I don't know if anyone wants to play but I will be. I have a front knuckle to finish rebuilding, some wiring to do, lots of nuts and bolts that need to be torqued, and stuff to be fabbed up. If you are interested let me know.

Also I need to find a few things before it is drivable.
10" or 12" travel shocks for the front.
looking for an electric fan that will fit the radiator of an 84 toy
and a 2" hole saw that will cut through sheet metal

There is probably more S#*@ that needs to be done but I can't think of it.

84 Toy PU. 20R, Rear Chevy spring swap, Front 4" Allpro springs, Crap ton of other stuff.
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