Finally got some shit done on the heap..
I got the shackle relocation installed and my shackle angle is much better. I forgot to take pictures but the rear works 100% better than before.
More importantly I finally started on my rear shocks. I did one side and after a bunch of thoughts this is what I came up with...
Welding to the uni-body sucks ass I wish I would have drilled some good size holes in the angle for some plug welds for extra strength but oh well.
Comments, concerns you think it will hold up or will the uni-body will rip open
Yeah the angle is what I had laying around..I stared at it for like 2 hours...i didnt want to ruin my cargo area with 2 shocks poking right through the middle so it what I came up with. Im going to cap off the one side you see when you open the hatch to try to clean up the look a bit.. and clean my booger welds up.. Fuck uni-bodys the next jeep i build is going to have a real frame.
Yeah, you should have sought out Rants advice on shock mounts for an XJ
But, foreal. They see no load besides what their valving produces. You will not rip a unibody due to shock compression. The main concern for you is foreign object protrusion, articulation, and packaging concerns. I like what you did, but I would have suggested mounting the lower end of the shock atop the axle tube, not behind it. Leave it for now as it will probably work. When you pull an XJ and rip 3/4 of your shock mounts on one trail in Harlan, reconsider the design
I think your tires will protect the mounts plenty in all serious though. I approve of your non-flux core buttsex fag welds though.
1969 Cadillac Deville 7.7 Big Block
1978 Ford F-150 6.4 FE
1993 Ford Bronco 5.8 Windsor
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 Powerstroke
2016 Ford F-250 6.7 Powerstroke
If i mounted them on top of the tube the upper mounts would have been 2-3 inches higher and that would have fucked my cargo area all up... i tried to make it work like that but it didnt.
Mine are mounted to the axle the same way for similiar reasons. Been that way for quite a few years and holding strong. Mine are beat up pretty bad to the point of having to cut them off but havent failed.
Cleaned and capped off the one side..its basically done. Heres what it looks like. The back side is still open so I can remove the bolt for the upper shock mount.
Hopefully I can get the other side built tomorrow and my welds will look better on that side...
Matt612 wrote:sell me your 212 and get a 252 gayblade
Fuck a 252.
Id get me a 350P.
1969 Cadillac Deville 7.7 Big Block
1978 Ford F-150 6.4 FE
1993 Ford Bronco 5.8 Windsor
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 Powerstroke
2016 Ford F-250 6.7 Powerstroke
Jwlman wrote:Hard to tell but did you cap the side with the bolt instead of the nut side?
No the bolt slides out the back...Its been flipped since the first picture..Originally it was the other way when I was testing and cycling everything. I pull it out welded a nut in there then capped it.
Jwlman wrote:Hard to tell but did you cap the side with the bolt instead of the nut side?
No the bolt slides out the back...Its been flipped since the first picture..Originally it was the other way when I was testing and cycling everything. I pull it out welded a nut in there then capped it.
Jwlman wrote:Good, I learned that one the hard way
Just like how I have to move my drivetrain up to get my upper link out LOL
1969 Cadillac Deville 7.7 Big Block
1978 Ford F-150 6.4 FE
1993 Ford Bronco 5.8 Windsor
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 Powerstroke
2016 Ford F-250 6.7 Powerstroke
Little update.. Got both sides done here is what it looks like with a picture of my new shackle angle. I took one leaf out of my spring pack but its still sitting a little higher that I want. Here are the pics..
It rides much better with shocks..i have 4.5" of up travel and 5.5" of droop. Still have to figure out how to get my gas tank skid on, build a rear bumper and start on my sliders.