Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:51 pm
buy these, only 300 bucks a piece

Off-Roading In The New River Valley
I don't have one.BlueDodgeRam wrote:hi-lift
you can use my tools, but all man power here is goin into getting the new door on the cage and locker in this weekend, the next weekend is all studying, the next is big dogs, and the next is finalsLukipela wrote:Hey Randy you got any free time soon to help put my bump stops in? I need a way to unload the coil so that I can reach inside it to swap the bump stops.
Do you have a hi-lift jack? If so could I use it this weekend and I could help you with your cage or locker.shmoken875 wrote:you can use my tools, but all man power here is goin into getting the new door on the cage and locker in this weekend, the next weekend is all studying, the next is big dogs, and the next is finalsLukipela wrote:Hey Randy you got any free time soon to help put my bump stops in? I need a way to unload the coil so that I can reach inside it to swap the bump stops.
yea you can use itLukipela wrote:Do you have a hi-lift jack? If so could I use it this weekend and I could help you with your cage or locker.shmoken875 wrote:you can use my tools, but all man power here is goin into getting the new door on the cage and locker in this weekend, the next weekend is all studying, the next is big dogs, and the next is finalsLukipela wrote:Hey Randy you got any free time soon to help put my bump stops in? I need a way to unload the coil so that I can reach inside it to swap the bump stops.
i might be able to make you a deal .... depending on when i get back saturday from home, i can help you put in your new bumpstops if you help me put the ZJ coils in the rear .... huh ... huh .... whaddya say?Lukipela wrote:Do you have a hi-lift jack? If so could I use it this weekend and I could help you with your cage or locker.shmoken875 wrote:you can use my tools, but all man power here is goin into getting the new door on the cage and locker in this weekend, the next weekend is all studying, the next is big dogs, and the next is finalsLukipela wrote:Hey Randy you got any free time soon to help put my bump stops in? I need a way to unload the coil so that I can reach inside it to swap the bump stops.
Can I use your angle grinder to trim my finders? If so then you got yourself a deal.affende wrote: i might be able to make you a deal .... depending on when i get back saturday from home, i can help you put in your new bumpstops if you help me put the ZJ coils in the rear .... huh ... huh .... whaddya say?