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Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:35 pm
by TerryD
I think the club went up to Copperhead a few years ago with NRV Jeep guys. It's TIGHT, not for fullsizes. Only way we got Matt's F150 through was by using a hand winch and strap to pull it over to one side and keep the windshield frame out of a tree 1/2 way up. May have changed by now, but it was a very fun little trail.

Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:41 am
by CJonLP
Well, I can't let Matt and Alec be the only ones working on their rides.
I recently made some rocker guards, simply a large piece of angle iron with a smaller piece welded on for "looks":
And I also mounted my non-working M8000:
I have also bent another tie rod end, which I am getting tired of doing. I am thinking seriously about full hydro, using my single ended 2x6 ram. I would think that would be plenty. I also had a slow leak at the bead of my right rear tire. When I took it off to fix it I checked out my wheel and it is getting beat up, I have determined that I am hard on equipment, I'm glad I got the rock ring.
Windrock June 23 anyone?
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:13 am
by BadAssEddie
LOL, that winch is like my XJ bumper.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:36 pm
by CJonLP
BadAssEddie wrote:LOL, that winch is like my XJ bumper.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:45 pm
by Matt612
Rockers look good man. Im going to try to get my heap done for windrock. Where were you wheeling when you bent another tie rod end?
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:56 pm
by CJonLP
I will guess it was that last time you and I were up on my trail.
Thanks for the comment on the sliders, not much to them, but I think they will be functional.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:11 am
by BadAssEddie
CJonLP wrote:BadAssEddie wrote:LOL, that winch is like my XJ bumper.

Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:53 pm
by Matt612
BadAssEddie wrote:CJonLP wrote:BadAssEddie wrote:LOL, that winch is like my XJ bumper.

I disagree 100% your xj bumper is badass and makes your rig much more ballin

Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:58 pm
by willhf1011
CJonLP wrote:
I have also bent another tie rod end, which I am getting tired of doing. I am thinking seriously about full hydro, using my single ended 2x6 ram. I would think that would be plenty.
If you dont want to go through the process of switching to full hydro, consider replacing your tie rod ends with heims, you wont bend them. I would be easy and only require drilling out your knuckles.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:30 am
by CJonLP
willhf1011 wrote:If you dont want to go through the process of switching to full hydro, consider replacing your tie rod ends with heims, you wont bend them. I would be easy and only require drilling out your knuckles.
Hmmmm, drill the knuckles or the steering arms?
I am going to go ahead get a replacement tie rod end from Advance and set it up again. But I have to come up with an alternative after Windrock, this is driving me nuts.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:45 pm
by willhf1011
Sorry, steering arms. Wherever you are attaching you tie rod ends out at the knuckles. You would have to make a new tie rod with tabs to accept the heim from the draglink, but it would be substantially stronger.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:42 am
by BadAssEddie
willhf1011 wrote:Sorry, steering arms. Wherever you are attaching you tie rod ends out at the knuckles. You would have to make a new tie rod with tabs to accept the heim from the draglink, but it would be substantially stronger.
This, it would take an afternoon, ~100-150 bucks, and you could forget about it.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:42 pm
by BadnewsCJ
Why does he have to attach his draglink to his tierod if he runs heims? Can't it still go to the knuckle?
And full hydro, an improvement yes, will still need a tie rod if your using a single ended ram. You would have to upgrade the ends regardless.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:18 pm
by CJonLP
For better or worse, I do not believe the tie rods are the problem. I believe that it is my inability to correctly setup the limits on my ram with the limits of the mechanical steering linkage.
Re: My 81 CJ on LP
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:16 pm
by CJonLP
Oh yeah, I forgot that.....
.....I got married this past Saturday.