I have a hobart 175 mig welder and it started recently having problems. It will only weld well for the first second or two then starts acting like it is not getting good contact with the metal and it welds come out like I am welding on dirty steel. It seems to be getting worse every time I use it even though I have made sure to clean the steel very well and have plenty of gas flow.
2003 Ford F150 work truck piece of crap- sold
1998 Dodge Ram, 35s, 456s- sold
2000 Powerstroke tow rig on DUBs- once rolled- sold
2004 Dodge Ram Hemi tow rig
1995 YJ on BLOCKS
Check and see if your stinger is fully seated in the machine. I had the gun pull out a bit on my Miller and it caused really shitty welds intermittently.
Arya Ebrahimi wrote:Check and see if your stinger is fully seated in the machine. I had the gun pull out a bit on my Miller and it caused really shitty welds intermittently.
Will check the next time I am in the warehouse
Fonger wrote:Don't mean to sound like a jerk here, but is the gas turned on?
Check the trigger contacts inside the gun. They may be either burned/pitted, or corroded. I had to replace the contacts in the gun on my Lincoln SP-175 after a few years. It would weld sometimes, then just cut out, or go intermittently.