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Wanted: BW 1356 transfer case

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:32 pm
by VerticalTRX
I'm needing a BW 1356, floor shift, transfer case for my '88 F-250. Most junk yards want more than I'm willing to pay for an old aluminum, chain-drive t-case. Let me know what yall got, I'd like to find one for $100 or less.

....somehow I completely broke the rear output shaft on mine. (might be a thread on that later) :confused2: :lol2:


Re: Wanted: BW 1356 transfer case

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:45 pm
by MtnManMatt
VerticalTRX wrote:....somehow I completely broke the rear output shaft on mine. (might be a thread on that later)
Ye, me too... :thumby:

Re: Wanted: BW 1356 transfer case

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:11 pm
by VerticalTRX

Still looking for one, would like to spend less than the $250 the junk yard wants.