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Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:16 pm
by willhf1011
It's been a long standing rule in the club that every rig have a fire extinguisher on board. It hasn't always been followed as well as it should be (I myself have been guilty of that).

After having Duane's rig burn at Harlan, it reminded some of us just how important they are. I just picked up a new extinguisher for my rig last week and had it sitting in the passenger seat waiting to be mounted when I decided to flop in the driveway. the lump on my head reminded me how important a good mount it for such a heavy object with potential to be flying around. It can be dangerous and also damaging to the extinguisher to have it loose in the vehicle.

The mounts that come with them are good for little more than hanging on your wall and are not up to the abuse that we put them though. Common in the offroad world are a quick release style mount. The idea being that they are very secure but also easy to release under duress.

The only issue I see with these mounts is their price. Most are to the tune of $50 which seems excessive. This first part of the thread has 2 purposes. First to discuss mounting ideas/solutions and also to gauge interest in a run of mounts that should be more reasonably priced while similarly effective.

I've attached a few pictures of some of the mounts common to the market now. Feel free to post up ideas or questions about mounting. Also, when we have a better idea/design planned for a production piece, it would be good to see how many people are willing to buy. I'm personally planning on mounting at least 3 extinguishers to my rig in various places.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:18 pm
by willhf1011




Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:22 pm
by willhf1011







Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:30 pm
by willhf1011
Design points that have been discussed so far

Attachment to the vehicle.
Weld, Bolt, Clamp

What do you guys think/prefer? I would likely be welding the chassis side mount to mine, but I see the allure of the bolting. I'm not a huge fan of hose clamping it to the smaller tube because I see it as less secure, though I seriously doubt it would go anywhere.

The release pin.
I really like the spring pin idea, similar to what is in the first picture. Its slightly more expensive, but seems simpler/quicker to me, and I have seen quick pull pins (like the ones with the lanyards) get stuck when the ball gets a little rusty (my B&M shifter cover is horrible about that). At the same time, the single piece pin is almost fool proof and always apparent as to whether or not its engaged. I could imagine a situation in which the spring pin is not fully secured and you couldn't tell.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:41 pm
by alk1174
There was a guy on Ebay selling weld together quick release mounts for a good price.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:52 pm
by Arya Ebrahimi
alk1174 wrote:There was a guy on Ebay selling weld together quick release mounts for a good price.
Got a link by any chance? I'm not doubting you, just can't find anything currently on Ebay.

Always good to know what the competition is pricing these at. ;)

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:55 pm
by willhf1011
I can't find them either.

I like this one..


Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:02 pm
by alk1174
Its been awhile since I looked so no I dont have a link. Probably should have ordered then. Ary you want to make up a batch?

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:08 pm
by willhf1011
alk1174 wrote:Its been awhile since I looked so no I dont have a link. Probably should have ordered then. Ary you want to make up a batch?
That's what we've been discussing. Trying to iron out specifics of it. What would you want in a design?

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:21 pm
by alk1174
No real specifics. I would be happy with just a simple weld together kit with only the main pieces. I can make the mounting pieces. If that makes sense.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:10 pm
by Matt612
Im in the market for a nice mount as well, Will let me know before you order something I will go in with you on it to save on shipping

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:18 pm
by Matt612
I like the spring type release in the first picture over any of the other styles, but I would be happy to run any of the above styles with simpler release pins.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:20 pm
by alk1174
Here is the mount I was thinking of: ... 35c4afca26
Cant find anything showing he is still in business.

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:25 pm
by Matt612 ... Mount.aspx

This is a relativley simple design but they are outrageously expensive.. I think something similar could be made for pretty cheap

Re: Fire Extinguishers - Part 1 - Mounts

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:26 am
by BadAssEddie
I'm with Will, I like the spring pin design. Specifically the Drake one.

I'm in for at least two Arycuts Fabrication LLC. mounts.