So what would yall say to me bringing over my rig and us hammering out the final touches?
I'll bring my truck to the next meeting and we can go over what needs to be done. Of course I'll buy yall food / drinks. Maybe even grill out
Rig Help
Moderator: Club Officers
- Lil Whitey
- Posts: 358
- Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:01 am
Re: Rig Help
what are the final touches?
Jake--Lube specialist--Formerly 97JEEPTJ
Club President 2010-2011 VP 2009-2010
Representing SC4WDA from the land of Texas currently. Way too flat....
Club President 2010-2011 VP 2009-2010
Representing SC4WDA from the land of Texas currently. Way too flat....

Re: Rig Help
Pretty much just some electrical. I know squat about it so if someone could give me a run down it would be much appreciated
Wrath has no vice when inflicted upon the deserving