Alec's Super-Dooper Fabworks
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:30 pm
Now that the Bronco is done, I have some room to work with in my shop.
To help offset the rent and have some extra cash flow, I'm going to start trying to do some more for hire fab-type work.
Im thinking things like:
Roll bars and cages
Diff welding
Trailer fenders
Media Blasting (aka sandblasting)
As of right now I don't have a bender, so it would be pre-made or pre-welded items that involve bent tube.
I can do from scratch items like plate steel bumpers or mitered jointed items if you like that better than bends.
I can supply material or be supplied material.
I will charge $1 per linear inch of weld and cost of material. For extensive design or preparation there will be an additional fee for my time and effort.
For example, the two sets of sliders and four point roll bar I have done recently were $100 of welding (the were pre-made) each and were completed in an evening.
I can do install jobs as well. If you want a CB, or new stereo, or need something like a clutch or wheel bearing changed, and are not comfortable doing it yourself, we can work something out.
So if you have been thinking about getting a winch bumper, sliders, want a home-brew tire carrier or what have you and need a cheap way to get it done, give me shout.
Thanks guys
To help offset the rent and have some extra cash flow, I'm going to start trying to do some more for hire fab-type work.
Im thinking things like:
Roll bars and cages
Diff welding
Trailer fenders
Media Blasting (aka sandblasting)
As of right now I don't have a bender, so it would be pre-made or pre-welded items that involve bent tube.
I can do from scratch items like plate steel bumpers or mitered jointed items if you like that better than bends.
I can supply material or be supplied material.
I will charge $1 per linear inch of weld and cost of material. For extensive design or preparation there will be an additional fee for my time and effort.
For example, the two sets of sliders and four point roll bar I have done recently were $100 of welding (the were pre-made) each and were completed in an evening.
I can do install jobs as well. If you want a CB, or new stereo, or need something like a clutch or wheel bearing changed, and are not comfortable doing it yourself, we can work something out.
So if you have been thinking about getting a winch bumper, sliders, want a home-brew tire carrier or what have you and need a cheap way to get it done, give me shout.
Thanks guys