Chris's 01 XJ

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Post by MtnToys »

shmoken875 wrote: The problem is not getting it in; it's [potentially] having to take it out. Now I had to take mine out because I didn't get it aligned just perfect like Terry said and broke the active spacers a few months later. BUT, should you break an axle shaft and have to take it apart you might encounter the same situation I did. It's not the most common thin to happen, but it has happened; the c-clip manages to increase in diameter somehow and sometimes won't come out that slot........don't say I didn't warn ya before you put it in, sometimes being pro-active is the best fix.

This happened to me:

10 hrs to get a c-clip out
Dude, it totally broke because you didn't tighten it a 1/4 turn past badass.
85 4Runner
97 4Runner
97 LX450 Diesel

Post by Lukipela »

the new shock mounts, thanks for doing all the welding for me Headcase64, it looks nice
shock mounted up in the new mount
shock mounted up in the new mount
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the passenger side mount
the passenger side mount
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the driver side mount, had to move the hard line a little cuz it was in the way of the nut for the bolt
the driver side mount, had to move the hard line a little cuz it was in the way of the nut for the bolt
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Post by shmoken875 »

looks good :thumby:
Tow Piglet/DD: Silverado
Driveway Ornament: Clifford the big red Jeep

Post by Lukipela »

swapping out the stock steering for a cross-over set up
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Post by Lukipela »

Gotten some stuff to add to this build thread, the rear dif cover has been replaced for a Crane unit, and the lug nuts were just replaced with some anodized blue ones.

This winter i hope to have the rocker replacement done, unibody stiffeners welded on, half door finished, and start on the rear bumper with tire carrier.
Crane dif cover
Crane dif cover
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the lug nuts
the lug nuts
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flexing it out, longer shocks and brake lines up front would help
flexing it out, longer shocks and brake lines up front would help
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