Bondo Help

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Bondo Help

Post by dgerm »

Anyone interested in helping me out with some very quick fiberglass work? I want to do the satoshi reccessed grill on my tacoma, and the only part that intimidates me is the bondo work. We can talk about compensation. Here is what it entails:

My truck:


I need to cut the two plastic beams that run horizontal across my grill, then bondo the cuts to get it flat and finished.

I can't get the pictures to work here so this is the link to a write up, just scroll about halfway through the first post: ... te-up.html

So it ends up like this

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Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:23 pm
Location: Charlottesville

Post by Yoda »

Don't let bondo scare you, its easy to work with. Just use thin coats to prevent from doing lots of sanding. I'm just going to stereotype when I say not to many people on here care a whole lot about body work for the most part :thumby:
DD: 2003 GC Limited, 4.7L
Trail Rig: hmmm

Post by dgerm »

Yoda wrote:Don't let bondo scare you, its easy to work with. Just use thin coats to prevent from doing lots of sanding. I'm just going to stereotype when I say not to many people on here care a whole lot about body work for the most part :thumby:
Haha I understand about the body work. I will give it a shot once I get a dremmel. Its just a clearly visible piece so I want it to look as nice as possible!
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