Here are some (crappy cell phone) pics:

I am sure you all notice the incline to the passenger side of the drag link. Since I wasn't using the misalignment spacers, I needed to get the hiem closer to verticle rather than flat so it could rotate. I think this is what you meant Will, right? To get it verticle and away from the tie rod itself the mount got a little tall, but it seemed to work ok when I tried it out.
Thank you SC4WDA!
So, I have a list of things to do before we go to Windrock
1. Install my new 14" 5125 shocks:

2. Install front bump stops
3. Install my 14 bolt pinion guard
4. Reseal my other three tires that have debris stuck in the bead allowing air to seep out.
5. Other - TBD
This is gonna be awesome!