Random CJ stuff

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Random CJ stuff

Post by HokieJeep »

I have started to take stuff off the CJ. If anyone needs anything, just let me know. I am gutting it completely. All gauges, heating ducks, wires, lights, seats...... the only thing I want out of it is the frame and body tub. So if anyone needs anything just let me know. I will trade parts for beer....

Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:56 pm
Location: Lake Forest, IL / Blacksburg, Va

Post by scrambler »

I need a windshield and possibly some front end sheet metal (fenders, hood, grill maybe) also: which trans does it have?

do you have any pictures?

-'82 Jeep CJ8 Scrambler. trail rig, once rolled
--> diesel swap in progress 4bt cummins , nv4500, D60, 14bff locked 4.56, 37s, H1 wlz
-'96 Dodge 12V 2500 ext.cab LB 4x4 auto~Scratch that. NV4500 converted
--> grease conversion in progress

Post by HokieJeep »

I have the T-5 in it, it ran fine when the jeep was running. I am holding on to the windshield, hood and grill. just guttting all the internal stuff.
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