Anybody got any Toy 8" lockers laying around?

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Arya Ebrahimi
Posts: 1896
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:58 pm

Anybody got any Toy 8" lockers laying around?

Post by Arya Ebrahimi »

I'm in need of one(or two). Have a welded 4cyl 4.88 diff along with a variety of other toy parts that I'd be willing to negotiate a trade for.

Looking for hopefully a full case locker(detroit, ARB, etc) as the diff in my front HP is welded and I don't think I'll be able to get the spiders out w/o destroying the carrier. BTW, the HP takes the V6 carrier, in case anyone is wondering or has an extra open diff laying around(so that I could then just use a lunchbox locker).



PS If you only have a lunchbox locker, please post up anyway, my rear diff could use a locker too and it's got an open diff.
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