why do I have no voltage regulation??

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zip ties
Posts: 206
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:00 pm
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why do I have no voltage regulation??

Post by zip ties »

Well I removed some unnesseary wires yesterday..... and well at least one was nessesary. My voltage regulation is fu@%ed. I tried a new regulator but it made no difference. If I rev the engine to 1500 the volts jump from 14v at idle to 18V at 1500. I have not run the engine for more then 10 times for a max of 15s intervals since it has been messed up but I think I may have killed my Dura spark box :crybaby2: . If anyone knows how to test a duraspark box or can come look at it I will pay in beer, food or money.

zip ties
Posts: 206
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:00 pm
Location: the dirty south

Post by zip ties »

I went out side and gave my truck a whipin a beatin and a talkin to and not only did it start up, but when I reinstalled the voltage reg for the tenth time it worked. So after much frustration. It is back together.

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