tsmall07 wrote:There is no way you need that much beef for your jeep. The 9" is a very stout axle.
I've been wanting a big bearing 9" for a while now, this is just one of those bang for the buck deals. See Ary's prices
Also, don't forget that 9" thirds aren't cheap. If you bought a 3rd from currie it would be $12-1800 depending on the spool/locker choice(I assumed 4.86 gears but it doesn't make much of a difference). That's not to say you can't find a cheaper third, but I think $1000 is as low as I'd budget for a decent setup.
A guy at work said he could get me one for next to nothing, and I'd gear it myself. The biggest price would be a locker depending on full case or not (I debated a spool, but I'm not ready to make that jump yet)
for all that coin, why not a doubler of sorts? is your 8.25 that inadequate? i figure if there is anything left on your jeep your right foot has yet to brake, then its prob not in need of replacement yet.
but my vote is to do nothing, and simply devote all your time and money into helping me work on my junk.....
Dunno, just not sold on a doubler yet, auto seems to eat the difference just fine (till it craps out lol) And although the 8.25 has held up for me I can't bring myself to put all my faith in it, just trying to be pro-active. No worries man you know I'm game to work on that thing.
Thats pretty much what I needed fellas, had the shafts been 5x5.5 it would have been a done deal, even used that set-up shpuld go for near a grand or better. I'll just wait for a deal on another 9.