Hi All, Thank you Sam for nominating me for a VP position with the club. If I may here is a short speech to try to convince you to vote for me so this might not be just a popularity contest. As you know I am Chris, ME super senior. I would like your vote for VP. I have been into the wheeling scene ...
Haven't updated in forever...but got some cool stuff done for Big Dogs. Solid Knuckles with my Ballistic Arms machined to match. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-CTRr_D83xgY/VTkYu7ywuaI/AAAAAAAASCk/A3lxsFcCcBQ/w430-h573-no/20150320_210952.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_PnPlr9vryk/VTkYu_Eg...
Horse Nettle is primarily a mountain bike trail that rigs cannot run, however it parallels/joins up with the Forest Service Road up to the top of Bobcat, which a vehicle can drive on. Its nothing dramatic, a dirt road.